PatronatoFundación Lonxanet for Sustainable Fishing was founded on 20 September 2002 in A Coruña, registered in the Council of the Presidency of the Government of Galicia's (see nomination) registry for foundations of Galician interest with number 13/2003, under the Regional Government's Ministry for Rural and Maritime Affairs' protectorate.

Board of trustees

The Board of Trustees is the governing body and representation of the foundation, which adopts the agreements by a majority in the terms established by the statutes. Fundación Lonxanet's trustees participate as individuals; they are nominated via notarised deed and registered in accordance with FOUNDATIONS' LAW 50/2002 OF 26 December. ANTONIO GARCÍA ALLUT is Executive Trustee. Antonio García Allut, Chairman and Executive Trustee. Francisco Javier Sanz, Secretary. Emilio Louro Lamela José Antonio Novo Iglesias Mª Dolores Montero Vilariño Senén Ferreiro Páramo


The development and implementation of the foundation's activities is the responsibility of the team, which is made up of people from different academic and professional backgrounds and guarantees the multidisciplinary character of the entity's main human resource.



Antonio García Allut

Executive director

Social Anthropologist


Miriam Montero Salinas




Sonia Tedín Temprano

Technical project manager

Administrative official